Continental Public Adjusters are your friendly neighborhood Wind Claims Adjusters in Florida.
A little air never did anybody or anything any harm. However, when little air turns into wind, hurricane, or tornado, it’s a different equation altogether. The damage that wind can cause can be both big and small. It can cause a few shingles to come loose or blow away the entire roof. As per the latest statistics, almost 25% of homeowner claims in the US arise from wind damage alone.
Continental Public Adjusters can help smoothen the entire process of filing a wind damage insurance claim in Florida and make it a gratifying process. Some people may advise you against signing up with a claims adjuster. If truth be told, you can do that, but sadly, in the process, you may sign away the insurance benefits as well. Let us take a small example. Instead of filing for damage from a wind claim, you sign up directly with a contractor. In doing so, you are actually signing an Assignment Of Benefits or AOB in which you sign away all the insurance benefits to your contractor. If you contact us, we can help you max out the claim. This way, you can choose whom you want and still have a little extra left.
As we said, we are with you every step of the way. Here is how we can help:
Step 1 – Once you get the complete copy of your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy, we begin by helping you understand it clearly. This way, you will get a clear picture of all the coverages that apply to your loss.
Step 2 – On your behalf, we shall file the claim and set up an appointment with the claims adjuster.
Step 3 – We shall prepare a written assessment, attach the adjusters report, document the list and scope of repairs with full costs to put your house back in shape.
Step 4 – Complete the entire paperwork, respond to insurance-related correspondence, and fill Proof of Loss form.
When you file for a wind damage insurance claim in Florida, we handle your claim with utmost delicacy and diligence. We begin by assigning you an expert wind claims public adjuster to assist you at every step until the settlement is made.
Calamity can hit anywhere, anytime. Florida is no different. It is known for high winds that wreck property. Though unfortunate, yet when you suffer wind damage having an expert wind claims public adjuster to help and assist you is the biggest respite. At Continental Public Adjusters, we strive to make the painful process of getting a settlement as easy as possible. Allow us to reduce your stress and initiate healing.
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