Often we make the mistake of thinking the insurance company works in our favor. Yes, they do, but in a limited capacity. It is a business. If they were to always work in your best interest, they would never make a profit. So what they do is keep you thinking that you are important, and when a claim arises due to an adverse situation, they try to get away by paying you the bare minimum. It is exactly for this reason you need professional help from a reputed Public Adjuster in
Duval County. Working with an experienced adjuster will make all the difference in the final claim settlement that you receive
As Public Insurance claims Adjusters Jacksonville, Duval County, we can tell you when you file for a claim, you are going to face a team of professionals…insurance professionals. Their whole and sole aim is to get away by settling the claim with the least possible payout to the claimant. When you are faced with professionals, you need professional representation to come out winning. With help from Continental Public Adjusters, you are already on the way to come out at the top.
Mostly an insurance company tries to dominate the claim settlement procedure with their superior knowledge. We equalize that effect. With our insurance knowledge and experience in claim settlements, you get a fair chance at getting the rightful entitlement as claim reimbursement. So, if you are looking for trustworthy Public Insurance claims Adjusters in Duval County, you are at the right place. Continental Public Adjusters promise you a fruitful and worthwhile experience.
There are many Public Insurance Claim Adjusters in Duval County, and not all of them are at par. Some are good and some not so. If you want to increase the chances of getting a fair reimbursement, you will not get better representation than Continental Public Adjusters. We fight for you and are with you every step of the way. Here is what we can do for you:
1. Inspect The Damage – We inspect the damage with a critical eye to ensure that nothing is missed. A comprehensive report is then prepared without leaving out any detail, whether big or small. Our aim is to cover as much of the loss as possible. The damage assessment report will describe the loss in its entirety.
2. Collect The Quotes – We also collect quotes from all the parties involved in carrying out the repairs to show the actual financial implication. Nothing is left to chance and assumptions. Clear presentation of figures makes it impossible for the insurance company to try and play it smart.
3. File The Claim – Several forms are to be filled while filing for a claim. Even more, additional documents are also attached to supplement information. We do it all on your behalf so that everything is precise and prompt. You don’t have to run pillar to post trying to do it all on your own.
4. Meet With The Insurers – You no longer have to meet the insurer alone. We attend each and every meeting with you to provide guidance and support. We are your legal counsel and negotiate to make sure that you come out winning.
5. Get You The Maximum Payout – We know every trick of trade the insurer is likely to employ to confuse you. Our knowledge and experience in the field give us the expertise to deal with such stunts and ploys. We work to ensure that you get the maximum possible reimbursement.
Continental Public Adjusters are your best choice for an Public Insurance Claim Adjuster in Jacksonville, Duval County.
Allow us to convince you that we are your trusted partner when it comes to the settlement of claims. Here are some reasons why you need us to volley for you:
1. Thorough Professionals – Claiming to be professionals and being professional are two different things. We work tirelessly, leaving no stone unturned, to get you a good claim settlement price. If you aren’t convinced, neither are we. Also, if you are aiming low, we tell you so. We hold your hand throughout the claim settlement proceedings, from beginning to end. At no point in time do we make excuses or try and get out of meetings and appointments. We are always there when you need us.
2. Experienced – Knowledge is incomplete without hands-on experience. Our Duval County Public Adjusters have years of experience under their belt in handling claim settlement proceedings. They are well-versed in the complete procedure and equipped to handle all and every eventuality. When you join hands with us, you are guaranteed help from experienced professionals.
3. Successful – We don’t measure success in terms of our income. Instead, success is when our clients go back home happy and satisfied with the final settlement cheque. Our team has provided assistance in closing thousands of claims quickly and efficiently. We have settled them to the complete satisfaction of all parties involved. That is what being successful means to us.
4. We Are Paid When You Are – We don’t ask for any upfront payment for the help rendered. Our aim is not to add to your financial woes in the present stressful situation. Money is already tight, and we don’t want to make it tighter. Rather, we ask for our fees only once you get the full and final claim payment.
Wait no more and fight alone when help is only a phone call away. We are looking forward to working with you and for you.
Allow us to assist you and make life easier. Don’t take our suggestion lightly. We really care and that’s why…we dare.
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