Why And How To Choose The Right Fort Lauderdale Public Adjuster

Feb 27, 2023
Why And How To Choose The Right Fort Lauderdale Public Adjuster

Regardless if you have a homeowner’s or a commercial claim on your hands, it can be very confusing to navigate the process. You need to provide certain documents, review your insurance policy (our condolences), and negotiate with the insurance adjuster.

Thankfully, you don’t have to do this alone. If your commercial property or your home suffered any kind of damage, you can file an
insurance claim with the help of a Fort Lauderdale public adjuster. 

These individuals are like your representatives in the claims process and will help you in many ways by taking control of your insurance claim. However, not every public adjuster is created equal, which is why you should learn how to find someone who can help you receive the settlement you deserve.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of hiring one and how to choose the right Fort Lauderdale public adjuster.

Why You Should Hire a Public Adjuster

Many people have heard about public adjusters but have no idea how these individuals can help them. As a result, many simply decide to start the claims process on their own. 

If you still think hiring a Fort Lauderdale public adjuster is not worth it, the following benefits may convince you otherwise:

1. They help level the playing field

Even though they seem like they’re willing to help you, insurance adjusters inspecting your property are not on your side. They are hired by the insurance company and will do everything in their power to minimize your damages so they can save money for their employer. 

If you hire a public adjuster, you have someone who is actually looking out for your best interests and who knows the tricks most adjusters use to get you to accept the initial (usually minuscule) offer. In other words, they help level the playing field and make sure you get the settlement you deserve under your policy.

2. They can give you peace of mind

Dealing with a collapsed roof or water damage is stressful. In circumstances like these, you’re more likely to make mistakes when filing the claim, thus ending up taking anything that the insurer offers just so you can get it over it. 

With a Fort Lauderdale public adjuster, you can relax and focus on yourself while a professional is focused on crossing all the t’s of your insurance claim.

3. They can maximize your settlement

Your Fort Lauderdale public adjuster is a bona fide expert in insurance claim-related matters. As such, they know exactly how much the damages on your property are worth and what you can include in your claim to maximize the settlement.

Ultimately, this helps you eliminate your out-of-pocket expenses and to return to normal as fast as possible, with minimal financial damage.

4. You don’t pay them upfront

Many homeowners assume they can’t afford someone to handle their claim, especially since they’re already at a financial disadvantage from their property damage. In reality, the majority of public adjusters work on a contingency basis by receiving a percentage of your settlement.

This means they’re not getting paid unless you get paid. 

In many ways, this ensures they’ll work as hard as possible to obtain a better settlement since they’ll also get paid more.

If you don’t believe us, a government study reported that hiring a public adjuster can increase an average insurance payout by 747%. 

The Process of Finding The Right Public Adjuster

While that fee seems worth it now, as we already mentioned, not every public adjuster is the same. There is a public adjuster boom in the US and not everyone who chooses this career path can provide consistent results.

Here are some ways you can see to it that you’re hiring a Fort Lauderdale public adjuster who can deliver on their promises:

1. Visit the website of their company

A good first step would be checking their company’s website to validate legitimacy. There should be plenty of information about them online and you should have no trouble finding any additional marketing materials.

If a public adjuster you’re talking to only has a Facebook account, they may not be the real deal (certainly not the one you’re looking for).

2. Ask the necessary questions

A reputable Fort Lauderdale public adjuster will be forthcoming, so feel free to ask them a series of questions, such as:

  • How long have you been in the business?
  • Have you handled claims similar to mine, and if so, how many?
  • Can you provide me with references from past clients?
  • What is your methodology for determining the value of the claim?
  • Do you communicate with your clients during the claims process, and if so, what is your primary method of communication?

3. Check their license

Everyone can lie and put together a fake website, which is why you should check if they have an active license.

You can do this through the
Florida Department of Financial Services license search. It provides you with an easy way to verify if the adjuster of your choice is licensed to offer adjusting services in the state of Florida.

Next, you can
check if the Fort Lauderdale public adjuster is a FAPIA member. These adjusters are licensed by the state and have to adhere to a code of ethics. 

4. Don’t fall for promises

An experienced public adjuster will never make wild promises before reviewing your policy and inspecting your losses first. If you’re talking to someone who is adamant you’re getting rich without knowing anything about your damages, they’re not a good fit for you. 

5. Be vigilant about any red flags

Along with wild promises, a shady public adjuster will also demand an upfront payment. If this happens, run. 

A major red flag is also an individual who talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. What we’re saying is, they’ll throw in dollar values but be vague about their experience and will try to avoid the topic of references. If they have a good reputation and are as good as they claim to be, they will willingly provide references and be happy to answer any inquiries.

An Adjuster You Can Trust

As you can see, deciding to hire a Fort Lauderdale public adjuster is the easiest step. Finding someone who can deliver the results and maximize your claim is a whole different story.

There are many public adjusters in Florida and not all of them are worth your time, which is why you should only hire someone that has an impeccable reputation. If you don’t know where to start, the website of
Continental Public Adjusters is as good a first step as you can make. 

We’ve been in the business long enough and have handled all types of residential and commercial insurance claims. Feel free to check our credentials online, along with online reviews we’ve accrued over the years.

(800) 989-4769 and schedule a free consultation where we’ll take a closer look at your policy and show you exactly how we can help you.

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